Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

...Maarten de Wit...

ian Stanbury

..or as he likes to be known, Professor Maarten de Wit is one of the cleverest men in the world and is a huge Stones fan - if there is anything you want to know about The Stones he is your man - He is the man who pontificated that as our friends in Africa are slightly different to our friends in South America, then it was obvious that South America split off from being connected to Africa well before 'human beans' were around...and you are all wondering what on earth Professor de Wit has to do with me and this forum...well it happens that one day many years ago he wrote a book while staying in my house and as a thank you, when he left to return to South Africa to live well off the proceeds of the book, he left me his old blue Renault 4. Knowing that he went on to making millions out of his book writing, I think in retrospect I would have done better to have accepted 10% of his future earnings in exchange for accommodation...and he never acknowledged my contribution to the success of his book in the 'Thank You ' bit inside the front cover!!!

This latest pic is of me crossing Fingle Bridge, the main river crossing bridge near Launceston. Its the only main road crossing into Cornwall and you will all understand why there are no lorries and wide cars in Cornwall....So there it is another bit of pre-Christmas nonsense from Uncle Ian...Have a good one
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