Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Need to weaken the mixture


Percy, Normandie
Our GTL / 1108 cc engine / has failed the CT because of pollution, have checked out ignition system which is bang on, recent new distributor etc. Off to get new air / oil filters and fresh oil tomorrow all of which should contribute. The carburettor has had a fair bit of tinkering with in the past, and the exhaust is pretty sooty so the question is do I turn the mixture screw in or out to weaken it off. Mr Haynes finest manual is not very helpful on this point.
Anyone care to offer any guidance?
Hi paulandpat...I'm sure one of the experts will reply soon-until
then you screw it IN to weaken it. Screw till it starts idling roughly
then screw it out again-fractionally!
(It's ok to have a rough idle when MOT'ing to get it as lean as poss.
after it's gone through I'd adjust it slightly out again.
remember petrol plays an inportant part in cooling too! -R.
I decided to edit my post as I'm not 100% sure with these carbs. I hope you get it through the CT soon though. How hard are they with your car?
Well you get 2 months to put it right, and you can still drive about in it.
You do see some vehicles running about that you wonder how they got a CT, but as you have to display the sticker they seem to have got one from somewhere.