Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

New Galleries


& Clementine the Cat
Bedford UK
I've closed the gallery to new photo uploads. There was a security hole in the thing you could drive a bus through and in any case the software was horrible.

But don't worry - there are other options for photo uploads.

If you want to upload photos to include them in a post it's easier to upload them directly into the post. See instructions here.

If you just want to add photos into a gallery so people can look at them then there's now a gallery in your member profile. Click on your username at the top right of the forum where it says "welcome," and look to the right of your profile page for the gallery.

I'll copy photos over from the old galleries to the new member profile galleries over the next few days. The old galleries won't be deleted (so links to images in there will still work), but they will probably be removed from the navigation links in a few weeks.
..New SITE gallery..


You mentioned the gallery business and as you know I have 1000's of R4 pics, picked up all over the place.

I have sent a cd of them all to Andrew in Aus, Pasha and Sava in Serbia and John Doe in Bosnia etc.

I wonder if it would be at all possible for the Site to have a Gallery of R4 photos - Not individuals.

A Gallery that anyone can add to and perhaps have categories such as Aquacars, Racing 4's, Scrap Yard, Our cars, Funny Fours etc etc

I know there is the old chestnut of copyright but everyone else steals my and your photos so, so what?

If this is a goer, here is my starter for 10 - in the Unique R4 Section
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It would be wonderful to fill a gallery with all sorts of Renault 4 photo, but there is the copyright issue. Most of the cool photos will have been taken by professional photographers who do it to make money from licencing or selling photos. It's unfair to use their photos without sending them a little money, but there's no way I can think of to identify them.

There's a trend for the big image selling companies on the internet to send out image recognition robots to find out if their images have been copied. Then they send lawers letters attached to a £1000 plus bill. That's how some of them make their money, not by selling or licencing images.
There's a trend for the big image selling companies on the internet to send out image recognition robots to find out if their images have been copied. Then they send lawers letters attached to a £1000 plus bill. That's how some of them make their money, not by selling or licencing images.

just to confirm this actually happened to a relation of mine who used a 6kb image for his (admitedly business) web site
he used google to do a search for royalty free images originally and nearly a year later recieved a £1500 bill with legal threats etc
check out bad press on getty images :eek:

even scanned pics from the net may have been digitally watermarked by someone to keep track of them
6kB? That's very small - was it the shopping cart icon? Getty are the ones that started it all off, but others are jumping on the bandwagon. Dirty way to make money.

On the other hand, without copyright laws I'd be unlikely to spend a lot of timee writing original works for all to see on the internet.
Much has been happening today in the way of photo galleries. I've imported all the photos to the member profile albums. Unfortunately the import had to be done manually and most comments didn't make it. Photo dates are a bit screwy too but I plan to fix that one.

Already the random photos are back at the bottom of the forum for members, and theres a link at the top to see all the galleries.

Non members will be having a hard time seeing the photos at the moment. I'll probably sort that by removing the links to the gallery for non-members, but in the meantime if you find it annoying then register.