Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

New member


Hi folks,

I just registered. I discovered the site last year and motivated by what I saw I actually went and bought a Renault 4F4.( Silly me. ) I got introduced to R4's by my parents at the tender age of 4 months and have had a fondness for them ever since.
This is my F4. The indicator lights have been replaced with new shiny ones and I still have a stack of new shiny bits that need to go on.
In order to be dry while fiddling with rusty bits I had to clean up my parents' garage, much to their delight I might add :)
The military hardware post caused me to register on the forum.
Looks like the F4 has found a good home. Not many Renault 4s get treated to shiny bits. :D
Well, I intend to drive around in her for quite a few years to come so I might as well go the extra mile and do an excellent job of restoring her. For a 20-year old car she has a fairly low mileage, less than a 100,000 miles.