Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Opinion Time - be honest


AKA Paul Cunningham
lancing west sussex england
Looking at my ever increasing post count on here am I guilty of posting too much
Or am I getting paranoid ?????

I obviously love R4s and given a choice could spend everyday working on them
My main source of income as a self employed Renault mechanic since 76 when I left school has been repairing renaults at the budget end of the market
at this time owning a renault 4 was just one of many cheap and cheerful motoring options and loads got bought sold and broken for parts so others could live on
This plan continued with 5 12 9 11 clio etc up until recently

Sadly the number of R4 I get to fix Is now down to 6 excluding my own

Today's problem everybody i want to help is scattered world wide and some models weren't marketed in UK
Of course I should still be busy with local 10 year old renault models but even I am struggling as cars get more complex and owners become more simple ☺
So I like it here as a way of reminiscing back to my youth

Excuse my rambling it seems to be a common complaint amongst R4 enthusiasts

Thanks for any replies just that malcolm doesn't post as much these days and it is his forum after all not mine ☺
In my opinion, reading a forum hoping nobody writes "too much" is a kind of nonsense...
Your suggestings are more than welcome, they're needed!
A) The only thing you're guilty of Paul, is the unselfish distribution of decades of experience, a commodity that's impossible to put a price on.
B) Paranoid.... mmmm
Perfect paranoia is perfect awareness, and the paranoid are rarely conned.
Whatever level you feel you've reached, you'll have a job to catch up with me.

Walking home one night, I passed a house where a bloke was hammering on his roof... he called me a paranoid little wierdo... in morse code

- N
There are no to much of your post here, especially as you always say something interesting and worth to know about our R4.
You are "living encyclopedia" that have real life experience, so please do keep posting....

You save me from sending car to electrician with one simple sentence.
After i have talked with few local mechanics and electricians.

I am infinitely grateful to you about your help!
Keep up the good work Paul. Just wish we were closer so that I could send my car to you for the things I can't do!

Thanks for all your posts :)
It's great to have you on here Paul - you put a lot of time in to helping people out and your advice is always sound. Sorry I can't spend so much time on here to help out at the moment - I'm on the final push to get the scaffolding down before winter.
Don't even think about cutting down on your posts and comments! I read every one of them hoping to gain a little more knowledge.
The advice and help that you've given me and countless others has always been gratefully received.

and as a teacher, it must be satisfying to see how your "pupils" have progressed. We're all just waiting for you to finish your rodeo!
Hi Paul.

Your posts are invaluable. You are one of the most important contributors, which makes this site so incredibly helpul to every 'vintage' Renault owner anywhere in the world. We all respect your opinions hugely. And I always sense that they are offered in a spirit of true generosity. Please continue.
All the best Tim
TOPS , Long may you keep rambling. good advice as ever mr paul xx:clapping:
Thanks for kind words everybody
Was in a bit of a strange mood last night having had several jack Daniels I had been on a few Facebook pages and reading some strange car related advice being give out and people following it
It suddenly struck me whilst checking my overdraft balance maybe time for a late career change
charging too much for doing not a lot seems to be the way most people operate
Now I am rambling again
Here to help but don't want to be seen as infallible but probably done most things R4 related except learn to weld missed a trick there maybe
I totally and utterly agree with all that is said above. Especially since we all know that when you say something it is borne of experience and knowledge.
At last, I believe we have something in common Paul.....

I always carry a flask of Jack Daniels when out hill walking this time of year, in case of snake-bites....

Furthermore, I also carry a small snake!
I do hope read many more of your rambling. I'm still learning. So please do teach us.
Hi Paul-A fellow Bourbon guy-Me likes!:drunk:
even if I prefer Old Crow myself,rougher and even more down ol Miss'ippi,that stuff really makes you appreciate
you're alive and kicking just 2 or 3 days later.JD could be a nice lubricant-doesn't actually help,but it's nicer to
be on a slight buzz when rest of the world is going haywire-right?

Naw-I'm sorry Paul, but there is simply No way this forum can grant you an early retirement.So you'll better
hang in there..
-We're even willing to overlook your tendancies to ramble off topic at times...........:whistle: -R.
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Now I know I'm coming in late here ....but I have had the pleasure of meeting you Paul. You are a fab influence and a knowledgeable engineer I'm sure we all benefit from your comments AND your humour :laughing:.

Now..... Just a thought (forgive me) There are other companies out there that become focal points for a particular marque by importing and selling. In other words creating their own network and customer base. Selling vintage cars to an expanding Vintage market is likely to be really popular. We are in a vintage Renaissance no less. So when your converts need assistance .....ker.Ching there you are!

The price of R4's and other models certainly seems to be on the increase. Their appearance on social media TV programmes and the like reinforces this. R4's are well cool and it's the COol market that is what appears to be selling
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