Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Page Numbering

Le Champ

Less Pain More Gain!
Pons Aelius
Malcolm this may be a 'tall order' :eek:but would it be possible to re-number particularly the Problems/help pages in reverse order to the current number progression. When studying previous threads/specific themes I make a note of subject/page number,however, these continually alter since current/new page become 1 and the previous threads subsequently change notation, i.e. the page numbers are not static.:)
Hi jjad, I was referrinig to the page numbering and I have re-titled the thread. The current post numbering system on the pages is fine.:)
I wouldn't like to change the sort order - apart from anything else having the new posts shown first helps search engines find them so we can attract new members to the forum.

Couple of things I sometimes do - at the top of each thread there is a "rate thread" button. If you give a thread you want to remember some stars you'll be able to sort threads by number of stars.

It's possible to change the display order of threads by clicking the little blue arrow beside last post. Though it changes back by itself, and it sorts by last post so the order will change if someone replies to an old post.

Sounds very organised what you are trying to do there. I was trying to find a post where I aded photos of the bulkhead side panel on GTL and TL (trying to work out if I've remembered to modify mine). Couldn't find it.
Many thanks for your reply Malcolm and the suggestions - I'm not organised - I'm slowly losing the plot - short term memory great........ for 10 mins.:)