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Penne with tomatoe sauce

ian Stanbury

Tonight in the Stan and The Bury household its Penne with tomato sauce

I guess mentioning a recipe for pasta on the R4 site with tom sauce is liking writing a recipe for a cheese sarnie - it’s a patronising statement of the bleedin’ obvious.

My excuse is I wanted to show off a recent addition to my gadget collection - a food mill. Being a luddite I’m suspicious of all things electrical in the kitchen (including my oven) and prefer the reliability and control of grinding, slicing, whipping-up and mushing by hand. I also like the shiny gleaming curves of the mill, and its exuberant handle, which looks like the gear stick on my Renault 4. It’s a bugger to clean, mind.

What do you all think?
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Very nice. always one of them about my mums kitchen. Very handy for tomatoe soup as the skins are kept back. Used to call it a mooley (definately the wrong spelling)
Nice! I'm a sucker for a shiny kitchen gadget, and so's the wife, so we have a fair few that don't often see the light of day anymore - never had one of those though (yet)
Mouli is the correct spelling!
Top Tomato sauce tip - try putting a head of star anise or a good dollop of ground fennel seeds in for a more 'rounded' flavour!
I think you'll find that's a "Mouli Légume" if I'm not mistaken. It's a kitchen classic!
can definitly see the connection, is yours 3 or 4 speed ?
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