Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

R4 door lock


I have just realised that my 1971 R4 drivers door lock is actually locked and the key is on the key ring but broken, is there anyone out there that can sell me a driver side door lock and key?
door lock

I have two keys plus one broken one, there is the ignition key and petrol cap locking key.
I can only assume that the broken third key is the one for the drivers door and tailgate door.
door lock

The other doors are all unlocked except the main drivers door, the only writing on the broken door key is Neimen, I am assuming it is the key for the drivers door but I am not 100% sure.
Sorry I got that wrong, Neiman is written on the door cylinder and the word Clausor with D1135 underneath is stamped on the broken key, which makes the whole thing confusing.
I have now resolved the problem with the door locks, I took them all off and dismantled and cleaned them leaving them overnight submersed in diesel and low and behold the ignition key turned them first time, thanks Bluebell for the info regarding the ignition key, I guess that they might have been a little bit stiff with laying so long.
And thanks Malcolm for all the help.