Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
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R4 makes the headlines


A very good feature by James May in last Saturdays Telegraph praising the R4. We know how good they are, it's nice when a motoring journalist agrees. Will Clarkson be next
If I'd thought about the internet I wouldn't have driven to the shops and bought the paper when a friend mentioned it. It's a nice article.
Article is extra and i can not buy Telegraph in Serbia but it would be very nice if i have had original paper.

I f someone want to sand me by mail...
Good article! I've had an affair with this car for some time and recently found this forum. It is nice to see others writing about this car mainstream. I am working on a blog piece soon too.
It's interesting how many articles have been written about Renault 4s in the UK recently. Last year Retro Classics wrote about the Renospeed Gordini. Then Bob's 1300 had a write up. Next month in Practical Classics there will be a buyers guide.

Prices have been going up (doubled over the last couple of years). Finally the Renault 4 seems to be moving from throwaway runaround to something worth holding on to.

We've even got a specialist (Renospeed). Things are looking up for the poor R4. Looks like we're making the transition to Classic!
Anyone interested in one from the EE can drop me a line as i know many owners that would love to have them moved off their lots because they do not have the time, money or interest to do anything with them or pay to junk them. you could get a bargain before word gets out and prices go up. my current neighbour ( Ljubljana, Slovenia) has two red unregistered ones sitting in his lot as well as I know people in northern Croatia as well. the thing is it is getting increasingly more expensive for locals to keep these cars roadworthy with all the new EU rules so they just ditch them and would be more then happy just to get rid of them for something small and not necessarily as a used car. let me know