Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Rear Wheel Brakes and Tracking


Two points, one a hint/tip, the other a cry for help!

Firstly. Just to confirm Clementine's tip re the rear brakes - assemble the springs onto the shoes BEFORE putting the shoes on the wheel! I discovered this the hard way, after struggling for an hour to fit the springs, nearly ripping my fingers to pieces in the process and swearing like mad at the seeming impossibility of the task; once fitted off the wheel then no problems! Then I came in and saw the same on a Clementine page. Hummn.

Secondly. Rear wheel tracking. Slacken off the three bolts and jiggle the wheel, as the instruction goes. Right. But I can only find 2 bolts, one on top of the other so to speak (the one shown in the photo on the Clementine repair and one above, hidden in the photo) on the outside of the connection to the chassis. But where is the third bolt to slacken off? I don't seem to be able to find it, or rather, I don't recognise what I am looking at more probably. Help please! :confused:

It's not the best photo in the world, but there are the two bolts you can see and one a bit higher up at the back.
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Malcolm. Thanks. Gotcha! Looked again and found the 3rd bolt. It was hidden behind a pipe on the offside (nearside here in France) - was clearer on the other side. Should have checked there first! Now to see if it works, after I have refitted all the brakes, refilled and bled the brake system, and renewed the rear wheel bearings. Nuts are soaking in release oil though already!

I had the front calipers and the master cylinder 'remanufactured' by Past Parts in Suffolk. They didn't need to do the rear wheel cylinders as they had 2 new ones on the shelf at 15 quid each. They seem to have done an excellent job and the service was good (as opposed to the service of the returning courier who couldn't find our house - the only carrier who has not since we have been here 3 years since - and didn't telephone as the driver decided our number was wrong. Which it wasn't. Without trying it. Brain dead, some of these drivers. So didn't get a 'next day' service as paid for, nor a 'day after' service as the van broke down (yes, and I came up on the down train and believe in Father Christmas so go tell it to the marines etc etc) but did get a Saturday delivery service after a good rollocking over the phone. But the proof of the pudding re Past Parts efforts will be in the new (braking) performance so I have high, and I hope well founded, hopes of a much improved braking system.

The rear wheel bearings are from our local in the UK (Yeovil) motor factor (as opposed to local in France) and came from First Line. The kit comes with both bearings, an oil seal, a split pin and a little sachet of grease, but not the little metal dust cover that goes at the very back. One of these came off with the old bearing OK, but the other was a bit mangled but I sort of remade it, I hope it will be OK!