Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
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Renault 3

Think hen's teeth! Should be really early Renault 4 looking but with the rear windows in metal, deck chair seats, grille pressed into the bonnet, and no door trims, hubcaps (or anything else they felt they could leave out without stopping the car from running). 3 speed gearbox too, but the R4 had 3 speeds until 1968(ish) as well so that's not the reason for the name. Name was based on the engine which was even smaller that the early R4 unit (600cc ish).

Renault didn't sell many (because it was rubbish and not so much cheaper than the 4) so stopped production in about 1962. Go for it. I'll have it if you don't want it.
Cool - It'll be good to see a R3 falling into good hands rather than the crusher.

Little more digging (you can click the arrows in the quotes to see the original threads hopefully):

Is it one of the five known R3s?

How about this for rarity value - an original one-owner R3! (on eBay)

Looking forward to the photos.
We are looking forward for photos of this R3! How are you sure that it is a R3? Is it an R1121?
Firstly I knew they were very spartan inside but I have seen R4s similar
There is a R3 badge on the back it is a 1962 car and the oval plaque says 1121
It is also its original grey colour It has been kept in an open barn so is pretty much only rusty in the floor and only one side of the rear chassis, unfortunately covered in the dreaded tarp!! The paint in places has been worn down to metal where the tarp flapped in the wind. There is a couple of nests in it the tyres are flat the engine turned over on the key with a new battery but I havent tried to run it yet until I have prepared it. It was last driven in 1984. I dont want to do unnecessary damage the seats are also like deck chairs with no sponge the covering is sprung from the frame..weird..
I am trying to be very subjective with the owner, as it is i am known as a bit of a classic collector with 6 french cars now and I dont want him to think I am going to pay thousands of euros for it, they are a bit like that at times.
I am waiting on his price as he needs to talk to his brother and I dont want to appear too eager. So as soon as I know anything I will let you know.
Renault 3 parts

I have just found a rear door and two passenger doors and possible wind screen for a renault 3 in my barn. I would like to sell them anyone know where I could sell them and their value.

If you sell them to a Uk person, then we could always help put as we are only in the next department, (Vendee) we could find space to bring them back for you.