Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Rotor Fail


In all my years of driving, I've never had a rotor fail. I usually change it at the same time that I replace my points which is probably about every 2 years.

Yesterday, I drove to town, parked, and when I started up again I heard a loud "clack" and my car cut out. When I tried to start it again it took a while and I had the feeling that my points gap had closed.

Eventually it fired up, but I had to keep the revs high to keep the engine going.

When I arrived home, the first thing I did was remove the distributer cap to check the points. to my surprise, the rotor slipped off very easily and had a lot of play on the shaft.

I checked the rotor against my spare and discovered that the little inside spring metal plate had disappeared. I haven't yet found it; it must be somewhere inside the distributer but I'm just going to leave it there and hopefully it won't cause any further problems. The last thing I need right now is to dismantle my whole distributer:)!!
Hi there mojobaby!
seems these kind of issues pops up more frequently now as more and more parts are duplicated or downright copied
That's why I can always be found rummaging around in boxes when on a bourse d'X or meeting.
Original/Nos are always better quality it seems.. -Reid.
Hello Reid, can you remember when everything cheap was "Made in Hong Kong"? Then it was "Made in Taiwan", and now it's China.
I also prefer original quality but sadly I usually end up buying stuff based on price and then kicking myself when it breaks.

I'm happy that I can still get spare parts for my 38 year old car:), no matter where they come from.

I have a French car with "Eastern connections". Probably some other parts of the world as well. Tyres are Hankook from Korea.

Much like me, I suppose.
Today I have on:
Boots from China
Socks from Sockland
Underwear from France
Jeans from Germany
T shirt from Honduras
Longsleeve T shirt from Vietnam
Tracksuit top from Bangladesh.

And I was born in Rhodesia, raised in South Africa and live in France. What a mix!!!!:clapping: