Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

smell of Celery


My wife insists that every time we go out in the R4 she can smell celery,I myself can't smell it because I've been laid up for a couple of weeks with Flu and now I have a cold.
How she smells this I don't know because the engine sounds good and I've just came back from a 40 mile round trip, where it sat at 60mph the whole way, the head is not blown because I checked and there are no oily plugs.
any ideas?
I was wondering what would smell of Celery? Or better what could be described as smelling like that.

Amazingly it seems to be a common but poorly answered complaint on the internet. One site suggests binding front brakes (common on the R4). I removed my pads and cleaned up the bits they slide against a couple of weeks ago. Made the brakes work a lot better so well worth doing on the off-chance.

Alternatively is it possible you have celery propagating in your window frames? I'm growing moss in mine.
like yourself Malcolm I have moss growing in mine, I have looked inside the engine compartment but can't smell anything, perhaps it's the heater core that is somehow the culprit or maybe the wife is going through the change again.
I will know better when this cold clears up.
It certainly could be anti- freeze but I will have to wait until my cold has cleared up to be sure.