Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Starter handle


My R4 (tl 1984) is without a starter motor at the moment (due to be sorted soon), I notice my "manivelle" has the facility to act as a starter handle but the front bumper is in the way. Is it possible to remove the bumper to actually make use of this? Seems quite a handy feature for an old car
You'll find that the gearbox and front enginemount are in the way as well. The 6 volt models can be started a l'anciene.
You must be able to get hold of a starter motor easily enough in Southern France?

I'd also suggest getting a new fitted rather than a second hand one, they are such a bugger to get at!!!

The left hand drive cars with front drums are the worst, guess which I've got?
It's simply laziness, I can get one round the corner, I live on a hill and work on another though so it's not been a problem, unless I stall in traffic.....