Clementine's Garage
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Yellow R4
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Starting Your methods ?

Martin Hall

What is the proper method of starting a Renault 4 or 5

All my cars are hard to start when cold or not used for a while
I pull the choke out fully and give a couple of pumps on the accelerator
But they still seem to take several minutes on the starter motor

I have tried no choke and pumping the accelerator

guess I am too used to Modern Fords !!!!!!!!! with presserised injection systems

Any advise I would be grateful It is getting rather cold in Northern France now
That's a difficult one for me to answer because my 4 started first time on the starter in all weathers in the 4 years it was on the road.

I can't remember if your car has the 28IF carb, but if it has, pumping won't make any difference. Providing the plugs, points and cap are in good condition, try substituting a new coil to see if that helps.
Here's Clementine's magic technique for starting R4s:

I use full choke and no pumping of the throttle. My latest (photos soon) starts within a couple of turns. Immediately once it's started I push the choke back to half.

If the starter motor or battery is a tired, the weather is very cold, or I've filled the car with really heavy oil, I'll use less choke and a bit of throttle to get the engine turning quickly, then let off the throttle and pull the choke fully out.
Thanks Clementine Yes it does seem better that way
Its just so hard not to push the accelerator
Seems to work on later Renault 5`s as well I left one for 2 months and it started first time full choke no accelerator