Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles


Andy Sherlock

You are perhaps wondering why the sudden glut of threads after laying dormant for so long, or maybe not. Anyways, the reason being is that I have just started to spend some time on my R4 before it goes away for winter. I am trying to get it prepared such that there are no faults before it goes away, and so it’s ready for its trip to France with the family next year. So thanks very much for your help and thanks for a top web site.

Thanks again and regards,
It's nice to have some action on the forum. We are such a small niche so there are few active members. That can make it tricky to maintain momentum to keep existing members interest and to attract new members.

Sounds very organised. I've been meaning to spend a little time on mine. I've still not got around to fixing the crash damage from 5 years ago.