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Clementine the Cat
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Translucent steering wheel repair


& Clementine the Cat
Bedford UK
I've managed to chip a super-cool and super-rare translucent steering wheel. Worse than that I had a go at flatting out the chip so I've got a chip and a recessed area now.

I can get advice on resins but need to know the original material. Don't suppose anyone knows what the wheel is made from? Or has anyone had one repaired or repaired one themselves successfully?

I've put up some more photos here.

You can do nothing you must recycle it, and coincidentally the only recycle center for these material is located in Athens, I can do it for you to me, if you like :-) :-) :-) (I always wanted an orange steering wheel...)

I had always thought it was made of bakelite, but I must be wrong. Maybe asking someone specialised in plastics moulding?
I am very interested in repairing cracks on these steering wheels. Hot weather and sun here makes this material very brittle, and the majority of translucent (dark red) steering wheels I have seen appear as shattered glass. I consider the steering wheel on my 71 to be perfect for its age, having two or three chipped places... That makes me wonder, considering our climate, would I trade some more chassis rust for a better condition translucent steering wheel?!