Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
Image of flower
Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Wanted - R4


Im an owner now!!!
I am looking for an early 850 R4 almost any condition considered! I need a run around and need to compete with Clementine!!!!!

Anyone who can help me feel free to email me or call me on 07922529063 - i work shifts so i may not be able to answer but feel free to leave a message!!!

Thankyou Mr Maestro - it is a very strange house you are right - but I love it!

I did see the R4 you mention above but alas she is lacking her identity! and the identity of a pre 73 R4 is what i am also after due to being a low paid public sector employee (of sorts) i wish to run a tax exempt car!

Thankyou for you help but it would appear that i have found the perfect addition to this wierd and wonderful household, unfortunately slightly young for me - it would appear I am into older little ladies - but a very nice first R4 for me to run!!!

Hopefully she will appear on the forum and the site shortly!!!
New R4 for Crash

We are looking forward to seeing your new R4 crash. Sorry, I meant we are looking forward to seeing your new R4, Crash. :lol:. Does she need much work?

Does anybody know the story behind that R4 on ebay? Why didn't anybody want it for spares? Isn't it possible to register an old car and still have it exempt from road tax? Didn't it get any bids or was nobody suitable?

Answers on a postcard please. And I'm leaving all my money to the Dogs Home too! :wink:
I rather suspect the identity had found it's way onto another car. The seller was taking phone calls so I guess he's sold or given it away outside eBay. I'd have had it for spares, but the household wouldn't let me - I've got 5 at the moment!

You can't register a car without a chassis number (well you can on a Q plate but questions would be asked) so if it were to find it's way on the road it would have needed to adopt an identity from a further car. All very dodgy.