Hi qerrit!
-one of the reasons I was originally drawn to the r4 was (is) that it is such a totally Non-pretensious car.
It is what it is-or what you make out of it..
We might have different views on whats pretty/stylish/cool or not,but I'd leave that up to the owner to decide.
as said on here,the r4 isn't rare or even scarse (luckily),so if anyone wants to build into something else-I'd say
Go ahead.
We've seen this kind of discussion in model/toy-collecting also.Some would go bananas if you took say an old
Dinky Toys or Lion-car as a basis for making your own version or colour or whatever your heart desire..
I have No problems with owners wanting their car all original,but if that means you won't be using that car as
it isn't really suited in modern day traffic you need to make up your mind..having a totally original car sitting
in the garage collecting dust most of the time -Or having a fun driveable car to be enjoyed on an every-day
-I love the diversity of looks and ideas,so for what it's worth-you're all ok in my book anyhoo. -Reid