Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Ammeter Wiring

Tom Panther to use your Facebook name
I'm pretty sure that that a lot of the people on here here do have Facebook accounts the Renault classic car club for example has 4 1/2 thousand members
on here we all know each other by the usernames which was old school standard for forums hence I was Mr Renault 139 because that related to my very naughty banger Racing days when I was destroying lots of classic cars Facebook is not the answer to everything as in general you'll get a load of people who know nothing wanting to add their piece I personally pulled out of at least 5 general classic car club groups because of of arguments including more recently politics and how to solve government matters
this forum is my safe escape and when I was struggling mentally at the beginning of all this a much calmer place for everyone to chat my profile here includes my real name obviously some people will still want the privacy which I respect but maybe be the ones that are using Facebook and here want to reveal their real names so you know who you're talking to twice :-)