Clementine's Garage
Clementine the Cat
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Rodeo Recommissioning

Hi. I used a system from Frosts, called POR something. It comprises a cleaner, a stabiliser and a coating. I have used it twice and been very pleased with the result. Only problem was getting the tank back on.
I needed a new fuel sender. The old one could be opened up for servicing but one of the tiny wires was stray and I couldn't figure out where it went or how to put it back there. So thought if I'm going to wait 2 weeks for the sender to get through customs I might as well go for a new tank as well.

I had a list of stuff that needed to be ordered. For the R5 chrome trim clips and the bushes that stop the gearstick from rattling and some exhaust mounts..
The fuel tank took 3 weeks to arrive. A week in customs then a week and a half trying to get the reference number I needed to pay the customs charge. Still, it's here now and fitted with the tank guard in case I go off-roading.

This one was from Der Franzose but I suspect all the suppliers sell the same one. It's the smaller earlier tank and quite a good reproduction apart from the untidy bends in the filler pipe. It looks bare metal in the photos but is painted silver. It needed the edges bending upwards to clear the suspension bolts but otherwise fitted well. The fuel gauge works now!

Everything that broke over the last 200 miles is fixed now so hopefully the Rodeo is ready for summer (should we get one this year).

