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Steering arms, which type


There seem to be two types of steering arm available here, one which has a U shaped section and claims to be for "pre 1978" cars and another which says it's for "post 78" cars. I'm a little confused as my car is an 84 and yet seems to have the earlier type part. Are they interchangeable? the later type one is a great deal cheaper as it has a flexi joint instead of a seperate bushing on the inside end.
I'm told I need type 2 (on the left picture) but I have what looks like the type 1 (on the right) on the car, are they interchangeable, the thread is I think the same but the balljoints may be different.
  • Steering arm 1.jpg
    Steering arm 1.jpg
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  • steering arm 2.jpg
    steering arm 2.jpg
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An '84 car ought to have the later parts (on the left). Probably the whole rack has been changed for an earlier version.

I am fairly certain the ball joint is the same size and taper between the >1978 version of the arm on the tight and the arm on the left.
I assumed it was probably the same thing but a cheaper way of manufacturing the part, always pays to ask a second opinion though, many thanks.