Clementine's Garage
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

The Kent Run 2009.

There we are Matt..

You now know EXACTLY what a LHC is, thanks to Captain Van Rouge..

Now team, an early TL also offered another option for £65 - a BEBO..

Bid Early and Bid Often..especially for this original Monet
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The Kent run is VERY tempting & THX for the invitation, but I'll have to attend a meeting in SE Bavaria from the 4th on, so there's not enough time join the crowd.
I'm still trying to figure out a visit to Watford some time this year, but I'm not sure if I'll take James ...

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Brian from the darkest north will be in attendance at this august gathering - I've dusted off my National Trust membership card + polished chopsticks especially. I like chinese cuisine and can wax lyrical about TL - GTL minutae ad infinitum ;) having owned both models. One would prefer not to be viewing the English Channel at the end of our gathering else I'll be tempted to AWOL - head south for Saumur, sans missus:cool:. One simply must have breakfast inserted on the itinery if one's to be at one's best :(- a full english is required, no less - the full monty. Malcolm's quite right - a chap's got to have proper sustenance. Not sure whether I can make the SE21 pre-emptive bash at this stage - so meeting at a service station in Rochester which has the wherewithall to manufacture a monty may be just the ticket for singletons and early/late arrivers. :)
..Brian - The Kent runs in May and not August..

..However I think you had rather set that little faux-pas up in the hope that Mrs Van Rouge would pick up your inaccuracy...

Talking of Mrs Van gone very quite from that side of France hasnt it - I wonder if they are still hibernating?
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Well, I wouldn't know about Mrs VR but as for myself, I'm furtively gathering all your photos for the biggest PopArt exhibition this side of the channel. My finger is poised for when the bidding is about to end to acquire the centrepiece of my collection. Fame at last, Lord Stanbury RA. Or should that be notoriety?
One was intending to convey the meaning 'distinguished or 'celebrated' in one's use of the term 'august'. We need to get Ian's work exhibited in our £70 million Baltic ex Moulin du Spillers art venue which graces the south bank of our beautiful river. The displays are usually miniscule, cheerless and drab, apart from the recent offerings from yoko Ono. :)
Just received this message from Derek...

So its all fixed and who is coming to the Saturday evening R4 bash in Dulwich?

Hi Ian,
The run will be on Sunday 3rd May starting at 11am at M2 services eastbound, and finishing at Squerrys Court, Westerham.
Hope you can make it.
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..I went all the way down to Cape Cornwall last weekend to see chums...but they were not there - They were apparently warmly tucked up in their 'other' big house in Tunbridge Wells!!

But it did only take 5 hours to get there..

ian! nice pic..but where the Heck is all the snow???? -Is that Lizard Point in all that greenery?
-looking out my window here I feel this very very unfair...
No more piccies of nice green surroundings you hear?? -R.
I'm preparing my car for the Kent run as we speak. Not sure of logistics for the night before yet - might well come with a couple of others who might not fancy a whole weekend of it.

Are there any forum members that fancy coming along but who don't have a serviceable Renault? There ought to be folk departing from all corners of the country with spare seats.
..Sorry Team..

..But I have decided to bottle out of this years Kent Run as well the Saturday evening Dulwich Event the night before - It has all become too difficult.

I have told Malcolm and he has suggested the idea of a Bedford Area run later on in the summer so watch this space..
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I can't believe you were planning to fly back for it!

Hopefully you'll be able to make the summer Bedford run. I've no excuse for not organising it this year. Format is likely to be a treasure hunt that lasts for about half an hour and will likely fill the local roads with little Renaults running in all directions, and also a BBQ. Sunshine is guaranteed. I'll start a new thread for that.

For the Kent run on 3rd May - I'll be setting off from Bedford at an ungodly hour in the morning, possibly with a support R4. The route is undecided but will likely end up in Kent. Does anyone fancy going down in convoy, and are there any R4less members who would like a lift?
I think that we are already going to be in Kent before the Kent run, so will be in the area. Otherwise a convoy from Bedford would have been on the cards.

Shame that Ian can't make Kent.

A summer Bedford run would be great :)
Hi Malcolm, I fancy a night run and don't worry I've got my trusty AA card + spare lid with me to cover all our eventualities. If all my machinations go to plan I should be fit enough (after some hospital fun) to rendez-vous with you on the 3rd and proceed with style southwards. :smile:
FREE R4 TL air filter - can bring on Kent run 2009

I bought a non-gen R4 TL air filter in error in a French supermarket and it doesn't fit our GTL. It's free to anyone on the Kent run who can use it!

The box says it is for:

R4 TL, Safari
R5 L, TL, GTL 7/79 ->
R5 Campus
R6 L, TL -> 6/72
Rodeo 5, Hoggar.

So it fits R4 TL and some R5s, but not our R4 GTL.

If anyone wants it, I'll bring it to the run.
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Hey, can someone tell me a bit more about this? Where does it start, what time etc as I'm thinking that I might make the long trip down South (and I have to collect some stuff from Mr Reno as well).

Thanks very much :cool:
Here are the details from Derek Flavell. Would be good to see you there.

This years run will be taking place on Sunday 3rd May 2009. The starting point is the same as the year before last; the M2 services between junctions 4 and 5 on the eastbound carriageway. The start will be at 11 o’clock, so arrive early if you want to get breakfast, mingle or chat.

We will have a gentle drive through Kent ending up at Squerryes Court in Westerham, where you can get light refreshments or a restaurant meal. There is a lot to see in the fine old house and superb gardens. Entrance fee is: House and Gardens £7.00 per adult, Seniors £6.00, Garden only is £4.50 per adult, Seniors £4.00.

All classic Renault models are welcome.
I might come along in my new one, assuming everything sorted.

We're not going to be able to make it! I'm really disapointed but my backs been playing me up badly and we've just spent the last three weekends making our house habitable for our French neighbours visit. I've not had any time to blink yet alone finish fixing BB up. Its very frustrating because I only have to finish undersealing her and its ready for its MOT. THe fact that I put her onto the ramps to underseal her two months ago and have had to to change the engine and gearbox has rather slowed things down somewhat.
well ive done nothing to mine and the mot has run out
but as ive got a fair selection of r4 spares to sell, best get motivated not sure it will look any smarter than last year but may fit the clio baccara seats in the interests of comfort

have we got nice sunny weather on order ? as will have to find alternative transport if it looks wet
Sorry your car won't be ready in time Pepper. Do you fancy coming over and driving Ermintrude down instead? Might be good to have a support vehicle to follow Ornella and pick up all the bits that fall off. Would be an early start but there's sleeping space here.

We've booked sunshine Mr Reno. :D

PS Beige Belgian - what's the colour code of your new one? And the old one for that matter?