Clementine's Garage
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Yellow R4
Réparateur d'automobiles

Thenay Photos

I have more photos, i will open another theme i dont want pollute these one.This is only for Theney :)
Sorry Angel, I'm working away tonight, I've got about 150 more photo to sort through yet tho. I even found a car that I had to take a second glance at as I thought a certain Greek person had actually made it!
Thenay 2011 - more photos!

Hi Folks,

Well what a busy few days! More photos from Thenay here:

We left early Friday and got an early morning ferry, then stopped via Vimy en-route. Lots of photos of the convoy from the Saturday, definitely the highlight of our trip! Had a minor issue with a missing small cap from the carburettor, which caused the car to keep cutting out (too much air in the mixture). After some pondering around with a few camp site neighbours, broken English and French, we concluded that the best temporary measure (and economic) was to use some metal-to-metal adhesive and to bond a small copper 5 cent piece over the hole :o . It worked a trick and lasted the full 12 hr journey home!!! If anyone has a 2nd hand carb for sale I will be very interested.

It was good to bump into a few of you from here. Sorry Lobster for not meeting up. I saw Derek, Anja and a few others but had lost the contact sheet to call everyone. I had a good look around and saw a few of the GB cars but never with the owner present.

Had a fun and epic few days. Had to go to the Dr's today as my back has well and truly suffered from the last few days. Hoping the Diazepam etc will begin to work soon!

I look forward to the next event!!
Is the grey GTL yours pstruckers? Think it must have been you I saw in Dover Tescos on Friday - I noticed the car whilst I was inside but it had gone by the time I came out.

Good photos though - glad everyone else took plenty!
Well, what can I say about a brilliant weekend that hasn't already been said. Rita and I had a great time and meeting up with all you good people made it all the better, sorry we missed one or two, but it was nice to put faces to names at last. It was great to see Derek, Becky, and their children again and Lobster too. Very sorry you lost your camera David, bad luck. I can't post photos as I'm sending this via my iPad, it hasn't got that provision, so I'm hoping that renault4mad will do the honours for me via emailing pics to him. We had hoped that we had seen the last of the rain after heading south yesterday to spend a few days holiday at Loire Valley Classics, but lo and behold it's blowing a gale and the rain is persisting down, it's just like a Cornish summer. So it looks like Marigold has a well earned rest today. I had better go and mop up that puddle of water in the footwell from the leaky screen rubber. Bye for now, B.:smile:
Someone familar leading the lineup

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I hope these two showed you the note that I wrote to you.


I am really sorry that we missed this chance to talk and meet after all these years. I did met reidar and his wife and had a wonderful conversation. Then I met pepper with his wife and iMacThere4iAm, we had a nice little chat. Azazello past by and waved to us :)








The Archetypal French Man ;)


Have I put up enough photos for your perusal this evening guys and gals?
Nice photos, there seems to be a 4L for every taste!

Has any of you spotted a Jogging? I haven't seen one yet in so many photos.
Some of many Photos !

- It was really nice to meet everyone who I met up with hopefully see you again at future events :)
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Thanks for posting all the photos everyone. Helps to make up for the fact that we couldn't go :)